The Chikn NFT Experience

4 min readFeb 18, 2022

The rhythmic creaking of the worn and weathered rocking chair beneath you keeps tempo with the siren of the cicadas. Another good day’s work stains your hands, pants, and boots. The chikns are returning to their roost, the Land has been fertilized, and the Harvest has been brought in. You admire your lush FarmLand as the sunset washes the white tin of the barn and silo in an ebbing and flowing bath of oranges, yellows, and reds unlike anything you’ve seen before…. and to think. It all started with one Chikn.

One Chik To Rule Them All

This explosive AVAX NFT project has shown what ‘blowing up’ really means in just a matter of months. Here we’ll run through some of the basic mechanics of the site. The now household name, Chikn.Farm will be known as FarmLand seeing as how there’s going to be Farmland, Roostrs, and who knows what else this team has in store.

This gamified derivation of the classic crypto farm is so interesting and catchy it created a community strength that is, dare I say, Impressive.

Now they’ve gone and airdropped land NFTs to all chikn holders. One Land NFT has sold already, for 50 AVAX. That’s a $4550 USD equivalent (at time of writing). Nice.

Farmland Land NFT

The Basics:

chikn lay egg.

Egg gets staked for feed.

Feed gets fed to the chikn.

So the chikn can grow up strong and lay more egg. So you can stake it and… You get it right?

Sweet. Simple, right?

Well… let’s add a few burn mechanisms for that $EGG to make sure the price doesn’t inflate too much. You can name your chikn for 30 $EGG and your roost for 70 $EGG through the chikn Naming Service (CNS). You get to show the world your flare, and potentially increase the worth of your chikn with an awesome name. Choose wisely.

See photos below for guide to name your chikn.

You can add a chikn Bio for 12 Egg.

Also done on the same page, just click the “BIO” button to the right of your Chikn.

Renaming your Roost is done by going to the wallet tab and clicking on “WALLET” Enter your chosen name and press the Proceed button.

How to rename Roost

These burning features (all these features burn the $EGG immediately) keep the price of $EGG going in the right direction. The Land NFTs add a whole new level of $EGG burning. Upgrading the size of your land will burn $EGG! Helping to keep that price from inflating dangerously!

Coming soon:

Coq fighting

This image is from the Medium page @

Roostr, Future land seasons?, Land fertilizing, and much much more from this exciting whirlwind of a project.

Here’s an example chikn put on their Medium of how FarmLand could fit in to the ecosystem.

Official Links:

Official website

Official Medium, tune in for regular articles, news and alpha

Official twitter

Buy $egg and $feed on Trader Joe





I’ve been actively researching, investing, and developing in the crypto space since 2017.